Keep your fingers crossed!!!

Good morning, one and all!  Sorry I have been a little negligent this past couple of weeks . . . it’s been a bit hectic!  But here’s the latest . . .

Our poor boy has had a pretty rough couple of weeks . . . he finished the 7 day course of 24 hour a day chemo with no problems at all (other than the residual cough and runny nose and cold sores from the flu and influenza that landed him in the hospital for a week over Thanksgiving).  He was feeling pretty damn cocky about this until It hit!  No nausea, fortunately, but low grade fevers, fever blisters have taken over his entire top lip almost to his nose and down thru his throat, and general malaise (that’s a gentler way of saying he feels – and looks – like his got hit by a steam roller!)  He has no energy and no appetite and doesn’t even want to watch TV.  Now, to those of you who know John well, he is addicted to TV, so this is a serious side effect.  But, I know this, too will pass.

He had another bone marrow biopsy this morning – under anesthesia this time, thank goodness!  This was planned and is nothing to be concerned about.  It is, however, something for which we need our fingers crossed and prayers said, as this will determine how well this chemo has done its job or if we need another round.  We will have the results in 24 to 48 hours and I will let you all know the results as soon as I know!

Other than that, there is nothing else to report.  I spend most days in the hospital with John, usually for about 8 hours, mostly watching him sleep . . . but sleep is good and he is rebuilding his strength, so that is good!  Now, if we could get him to eat, his strength would come back faster . . . but let’s not rush success. Unfortunately, he has been very cranky recently (gee, do you wonder why?!?!) and that has been quite difficult for both of us . . . the Sunshine in my life has turned into a reincarnation of that damned Hurricane Sandy . . . but as he feels better the Sunshine will return!

The rest of my days are pretty uneventful . . . it takes me forever to get ready in the morning . . . change clothes 20 times to make sure I am not wearing anything he won’t like or that I know he thinks accentuates my expanding girth . . . take the dogs for a walk – and these two pups are not interested in going for a walk or doing their “business” until after 11AM, thank-you very much . . . taking care of just a bit of business stuff . . . laundry when I can remember; evenings are absolutely NON-productive as I do what I call “Sit-and-Stare” . . . after 8 hours in the hospital I am in no shape for anything other than a glass of wine, a little romp with the puppies, and then a couple of hours of HGTV.  Yikes!  Could I get any more boring?!?!  Oh well, whatever gets me thru the night!

Thanks to all of you who have sent cards and pictures to us!  The cards are up on the wall in his room along with some pictures the grandchildren have drawn and a few family photos.  He wears his Superman hat, a big red and blue furry thing, when he shuffles down the hall way (which hasn’t been too often this week!) and I will take him a Santa hat one of these days . . . as he loses his hair (which seems to have started a bit) I will take him his funny baseball cap with the attached ponytail!

So, until later this week when I have results, that’s all for today!  I hope you are close to being ready for the holidays (I haven’t bought a single gift and don’t know if/when I will).  I will be spending the Holiday at Lehigh Valley Hospital with our patient, and that’s okay with me . . . John has always loved Christmas and I have so many happy memories of him hauling out bag after bag of presents for the kids, family, and friends . . . I think there was a part of me that actually thought he might me the real Santa!!! 

Now I must run . . . Mr. Sunshine just called wondering where I am, but mostly to tell me he wants more chocolate chip cookies!!!  When I told him he had to decide if he wanted me with him in the hospital or at home making him more cookies he had to give it some serious thought . . . hmmmm . . . do you think he just loves me for my cookies?!?

Love, laughter, postive thinkings, and prayers!


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